I was looking for my own way to express the processes of nature in greater depth. To materialize and complete what is unfinished.
Cut off, split off, worn down by water, disintegrated and left behind. And to open and to shift it all to another dimension. A kind of space odyssey. Fragments of nature, partly burned out of their form, cast in bronze and silver. And at the same time pieces preserved in their true material – these create certain archetypes for me. It reminds me of playing with the four elements. I was using fire to melt bronze and glass. But the little clay houses of Sceliphron curvatum were so perfect that I decided to display them as a relic. In order to imitate the fine fluff of silkweed seeds, ulexite crystals, which carry light and can be split lengthwise along the fibers, came in very handy for me.